Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Ransom Notes at St. Vincent's and impromptu performance at Down The Hatch

A week or so ago (March 25, 2013), I had the pleasure of checking in The Ransom Notes, an A Capella group and since they were hungry and thirsty, I sent them up Magazine Street a few blocks to one of St. Vincent's favorites, Down The Hatch for some good late night snacks and adult beverages.

I showed up after closing up the front desk at the end of the late shift and Renee, the owner, was there so I was telling him about The Ransom Notes and he offered them a round a shots if they would perform.  They did an excellent job but since it was so impromptu, nobody thought about taking video.  On their later performance, I had my iPad 2 and took the below video.  Of course, I was still new (and still am) with an iPad so I didn't realize that when I turned the iPad from vertical to horizontal, that even though the camera automatically adjusted and tilted to proper perspective, when I finished and uploaded it to YouTube, the video turns sideways in the middle... so just turn your head 90 degrees to the left or turn your monitor 90 degrees to the right... but at least the sound isn't crooked.  LOL


I'm still doing some video editing to try and fix my above video snafu and will embed the video once it's done.

To The Ransom Notes... thanks for staying with St. Vincent's and I know you all had a really good time on your short stay in New Orleans.

Lenny Vasbinder

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